CGR completed their engagement with the Town of Victor on January 31, 2017.
A summary of the final report with recommendations is here. The full report is available here. View the Documents page for all available reports and presentation.
CGR will spend time on-site meeting with key stakeholders, interviewing officials and department heads, and gathering data regarding budgets, operations, and governing structures. The resulting analysis will provide the Town of Victor with insight into the current state of public safety delivery and the potential changes for the future. Throughout the process, residents will be asked to provide feedback via the project website and at a public meetings established by the Town. This study is being partially funded by NYS Department of State Local Government Efficiency Grant # T1000614.
The study's process is being overseen by a Steering Committee composed of Town and Village staff members and representatives from Fishers Fire Department, Victor Fire Department, New York State Police, Ontario County Sheriff's Department, Victor-Farmington Ambulance Corps, and Mercy Flight Central. CGR is a nonprofit management consulting organization with expertise in government management, public finance and municipal consolidation processes.
The Steering Committee and CGR encourage public engagement in this process. Please submit your comments, questions and other feedback by clicking here and visiting the public engagement page.