Dissolution Plan

The following dissolution plan has been approved by the Village of Van Etten Village Board of Trustees on April 30, 2018.


The following impact report was developed with the assistance of a steering committee of residents of the town and village of Van Etten. It is a good faith effort to objectively explore the impacts to services and property taxes after dissolution. The goal is to provide residents with objective information to consider prior to their vote.

For some services, such as refuse removal, cemetery management and streetlight maintenance, there are multiple ways that the town could provide the service after dissolution. For each service, the impact report used one option as the "likely" option based on the fact that it was allowable and reasonable. Alternative options are also mentioned, but they were considered to be less likely alternatives based on costs or additional workload.

However, if the village dissolved, a formal dissolution planning process would be undertaken that would identify a plan for dissolution that would include specific options for every service. The planning process is required to get public input at several points. Those options might include options considered unlikely or not discussed in this report, if there is public support and political will for them to be adopted. For example, the town could create a refuse district that serves the area of the former village or the streetlight district could be shared by the whole town because all residents benefit from the lights when they travel through the village.

  • Impact Report – A 30 page report that provides a description of projected service and fiscal impacts if the village votes to dissolve.
  • Summary Report – A 2 page summary drawn from the full report that describes key service and fiscal impacts if the village votes to dissolve.