Patrick Smith
Vice President of Sales
Patrick Smith directs business and project development activities at CGR and is responsible for the continued growth of the organization on a regional and national level.
Mr. Smith's primary focus is to build awareness about CGR's unique capabilities among prospective clients, and develop and maintain relationships with current and past clients as well as state and national associations. He has over 25 years of sales, marketing and business development experience at public and private companies as well as non-profit organizations.
Prior to joining CGR in 2015, Mr. Smith worked at General Code, LLC overseeing business development activities in the New England and Mid-Atlantic Region where he worked with hundreds of municipalities and county governments. He is well-versed in issues affecting municipalities and worked closely with municipal managers, clerks and governing bodies to develop codification solutions that made a municipality's laws, rules and regulations easily accessible to staff and residents. He has been a presenter at the New England Municipal Clerks Institute and Academy, International Institute of Municipal Clerks as well as many state league of municipality organizations and various state and local clerks associations. Prior to General Code, he worked at Westlaw-Thomson Reuters, the world's largest legal publishing and online research company as a sales consultant. Before that he was a Vice President of Business Development at the American Arbitration Association, where he was an expert in the field of alternative dispute resolution providing consulting services to attorneys and labor unions in the area of arbitration, mediation and conflict resolution. Early in his career he worked at Marriott Hotels International and National Car Rental in various sales positions. He has been a guest lecturer at the University of Rochester, University at Buffalo Law School, Rochester Institute of Technology, Cornell Corporative Exchange and SUNY Brockport. He earned his degree in Business Management from Niagara University.