About the Study

CGR was selected in February 2019 to conduct an impact study to inform the Reorganization Study Committee and residents of the impact of dissolution or other forms of reorganization. CGR is based in Rochester, NY and has provided similar work for dozens of communities across the Northeast. This study examined the services provided by the Village and Town, and addressed service continuity, fiscal impacts, and non-fiscal impacts of viable alternatives to current operations, including dissolution. In addition to this website, the process included public meetings that provided opportunities for residents to offer input.

The Village of Massena has a total land mass of 4.5 square miles, split across three towns: Massena, Louisville and Norfolk. The Village’s population is about 10,368 (2017 U.S. Census Bureau Population Estimates). The majority of that population – about 9,944 people, or 96 percent – lives within the Town of Massena. Village residents make up most of the Town’s population (81 percent). A smaller portion of the Village population, or about 424 people, are within Louisville. No one lives on the small portion of Village land in Norfolk.