Identifying Improvement Opportunities for a County Health Department

CGR was recently engaged by the Ocean County, NJ Health Department to conduct a short-term (60-day) high-level assessment of organizational structure and functioning to identify potential structural or operational (high-level) efficiencies and/or improvements. The department serves a diverse community of about 656,000 permanent residents supplemented by at least 300,000 guests during summer months and encompassing all income levels, many races and ethnicities, and one of the largest Orthodox Jewish populations in the U.S.
CGR interviewed over 30 individuals, including leaders, managers, staff members and external partners, to conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats assessment of the department. We identified about a half dozen improvement opportunities related to internal and external communication, staff retention and workplace climate, and modernization, which sparked a robust discussion with leaders about actions to prioritize for immediate action.
To learn more about this project, contact Erika Rosenberg.
September 5, 2023 CGR Briefs Edition