Reports & Presentations

Impact Summary and Tax Calculations

In our report, we have modeled three scenarios for Edgemont Village incorporation. A brief synopsis of the scenarios is below (see the report for more detail on each scenario).

The linked tables illustrate the potential tax impacts of each scenario on properties in the Village and in the Town Outside Village, in comparison to the current status quo. These tables only cover local town or village taxes likely to be impacted by a potential incorporation. Not included in the tables are other property taxes not controlled by the town or village, such as Westchester County property taxes ($2.59 per $1,000) and school districts taxes ($14.619 to $20.859 per $1,000 for PK to 12th grade districts).

The three scenarios are:

Scenario 1 – Cooperative Service Sharing between the Town and Village:The new Village contracts with the Town for highway and sanitation, continues to receive services from the library and police, and the Town minimizes tax impact by reducing appropriations by 7% in other service areas. In this scenario, residential property taxes for municipal services in the Village increase about 2.7% and taxes in the unincorporated Town remain about level.

Scenario 2 – No Service Sharing: The new Village contracts with other entities for services, and the Town reduces funding to highway, sanitation and library to make up for the revenue loss. In this scenario, residential property taxes for municipal services in the Village rise 5.0% and taxes in the unincorporated Town rise 0.7% when accompanied by significant (7% to 15%) cuts in most departments. Without the cuts to departments, the taxes would increase about 8.5%.

Scenario 3 – Scenario 2 plus the Village shares OPEB, Tax Settlement and Liability Costs: In this scenario, we add to Scenario 2 a cost shift from the Town to the Village for a share of liabilities for litigation settlements, property tax refunds, and retiree benefits. Here, residential property taxes for municipal services in the Village rise about 10.0% and taxes in the unincorporated Town decrease about 1.3% when accompanied by significant (7% to 15%) cuts in most departments. Without the cuts to departments, the taxes would increase about 6.5%.

Impact on your property taxes:

To see the estimated local government service taxes for your property under the various scenarios, select either the potential Edgemont Village or Greenburgh Town Outside Village table. The estimated taxes are laid out in the top portion of the table, with the Current rates in the leftmost column and the three scenarios in the columns to the right. The Total Tax amount is the total combination of Town or Village taxes under each scenario.

To find your impact forecast, look in the leftmost column in the bottom portion of the table for the approximate value of your home and the find the projected cost impact under the various scenarios to the right.