Addressing Challenges in EMS in Allegany County

Allegany County EMS

Allegany County engaged CGR to conduct a comprehensive analysis of its emergency medical services system and develop a series of actionable recommendations for the County and the EMS agencies to consider. The County has had a growing number of EMS incidents and a declining number of EMS providers. Additionally, several EMS agencies have ceased operations in recent years and the largest provider, a for profit ambulance that contracts with the County, is facing financial problems. Our project identified actions for the county to take immediately including further investment in paramedic education, additional support for the EMS coordinator, strengthening the contract with their largest EMS provider and expanding EMS education for high schooler. Additionally, we suggested that the County explore creating its own EMS agency and to look at the potential for triaging low acuity EMS calls away from the 911 system. Allegany County has already begun implementing several of the key actions around education and strengthening the safety ambulance service.

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April 18, 2024 CGR Briefs Edition


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